Be Aware – Don’t Let Your Team Become Dysfunctional

No matter what industry your company is in, if your team members aren’t working as a team, your bottom line is going to suffer. Dysfunctional teams can cause more than just lowered productivity rates, they can also lead to higher employee turnover rates, higher levels of job dissatisfaction among employees and a general feeling of discontent.

With vigilance, you can keep your team functioning as a unit and avoid these problems. Dysfunction doesn’t happen overnight – and fixing the problem is much worse than taking steps to avoid having it happen in the first place. Let’s take a look at a few simple ways you can prevent dysfunction within your team members.

Be a Leader

The number one cause for discontent and dysfunction within a team is a leader who is not present or fails to assert their authority fairly. If you’re distracted, your team is going to mirror your actions. While it takes extra time and effort to be there for your company and your team, it will definitely pay off in the long run.

Watch for Team Members

One bad team member can tank the entire team. Keep an eye out for team members who don’t seem engaged, or who don’t pull their own weight during assignments. Be on the lookout for negative team members as well, since this attitude is very contagious and can affect everyone they come in contact with. Teams need to be filled with members who are willing to work together as a unit. Make sure you monitor your team members and pick the right personalities to make up the team.

Keep it Fair

If one employee consistently gets away without doing their share of the work, resentment among team members is going to grow. Likewise, if a team member is treated unfairly or if rules are not enforced unilaterally, you’re going to have trouble on your hands. Don’t forget to avoid singling out team members – -they work as a whole and need to be rewarded as a whole.

Set Clear Goals

In order to function well, a team needs to have a clear goal in place and this goal needs to be attainable, while remaining challenging. If your team doesn’t know what they’re working towards, they’ll lose direction and drift aimlessly. Always make sure to have clear goals that are updated on a regular basis.

Hold Everyone (Including You!) Accountable

Accountability is incredibly important for a team, and that includes you. Hold everyone and yourself, to the same levels of accountability and enforce your rules equitably.

By following these simple rules, you’ll be assured that your team is going to function well and help make your company profitable and sustainable.

Do you have a question about managing your team? Let the experts at SelecSource help you find the perfect employees for your team today!
