Ways to Really own the Interview
In this competitive workplace, job seekers need an edge if they want to ace their interviews. By following these 10 tips you can be assured that you make the best possible impression and that you’ll have the edge you need to get the job you want.
1. Practice ahead of time. Take the time to practice what you’re going to say. Review possible job interview questions and prepare yourself ahead of time. This will help get you past your nerves and keep you on track.
2. Get informed. Learn everything you can about the company and if possible, about the interviewer before you go in for your interview.
3. Dress to impress. Learn what the company’s current dress code is and make sure you look professional and polished without being over or under dressed.
4. Work on being personable to everyone. From the minute you walk in the door to the company, you need to be personable with every single person you meet or come into contact with. It really does matter.
5. Listen to what the hiring manager has to say. Job interviewers only have so much patience. Make sure you listen to everything they say — ask questions if you don’t understand something. If necessary, take notes so you can refer back to a point later on.
6. Learn to be brief but articulate. Hiring managers only have so much time. Learn to make your answers brief but articulate. It takes a little practice, but you’ll find the right balance that answers a question without being too clipped or running on too long.
7. Stay positive – no matter what. It should go without saying, but never badmouth a former employee or come off with a negative attitude during your interview. Trust us, it really does matter.
8. Develop a list of your own questions. Hiring managers get tired of saying “Do you have any questions,” during the interview and getting a “No.” Stand out from the crowd by asking a few questions about the position itself, or the company.
9. Master the follow-up. Ask the interviewer what the next steps in the process are — whether they want to do follow-ups or when you can expect to hear. Make sure to ask politely and remember what you’re told. If necessary, you’ll know when to follow-up later.
10. Leave a lasting great impression. Send a hand-written thank you note following the interview. While some people do emails or calls, an actual hand-written note says a lot about your personality and means much more to the interviewer.
By using these techniques, you’ll be able to move to the frontline of hiring prospects at your next interview.
Do you have questions on how to ace an upcoming interview? Let the experts at SelecSource guide you in the right direction today.