Your Job Post Content Speaks Volumes About Your Organization
You have a new opening in your organization and you need somebody quick. So, you dash out a quick job posting and hope for the best. Even though you’ve got a great company, the posting just doesn’t seem to be working. What could be the issue?
What many companies don’t realize is that the job posting they use can play a big role in whether or not they attract the right job seekers. The content in your job posting conveys more than just a simple job description – it speaks volumes about your organization. If you’re not getting the right response, chances are, your posting may be saying the wrong thing.
Let’s look at a few of the most common mistakes and how to correct them.
- Misspellings and grammatical errors. It seems pretty simple, but misspellings can mean the death of a job posting. This type of posting screams out that your organization isn’t professional. Even if that’s not the case, that’s the image that is presented. Take the time to thoroughly scan through your job posting and correct any mistakes before it gets posted.
- Incomplete information. We’ve all hit the submit button prematurely, but if you’re not taking the time to review the posting you just made, you may never know what went live. Take the time to carefully review your job posts and make sure that they read well and contain all of the necessary information. If there was a mistake, correct it immediately.
- Out of date information. If you’ve got a form posting that you simply copy and paste whenever a position opens up, chances are you’ve probably got some outdated information in that post. Make sure job descriptions are updated and current and edit out any information that may no longer be pertinent for the position.
- Broken coding. Images that don’t load, html pages that are not formatted correctly and simply ugly job postings don’t say anything good about your organization. Again, previewing your postings is absolutely essential. If something doesn’t look right, take the time to fix it.
While you may have a lot on your plate, it’s still important to take the time to make sure your job postings are posted correctly.