3 Ways to Stand Out in a Group Interview

As employers continue to find ways to make interviews easier and more effective, group interviews are becoming increasingly popular. Making a bad hire is a costly mistake for any organization – and conducting more effective interviews is one of the easiest ways to avoid making them. Group interviews are leading the way as an effective screening tool.

You don’t have to get lost in the pack during group interviews.

Although it may seem intimidating, participating in a group interview doesn’t have to be difficult. It can seem a bit daunting, though – you’re literally sitting next to competition for the job! Here are three ways you can stand out and be more likely to land your next job during a group interview:

  1. Pipe up! Yes, you’ll be competing for “air time” in a group interview, but if you don’t speak up and make yourself heard, you’re less likely to be remembered by the interviewers. Stay polite and refrain from talking over or cutting off other interviewees, but be sure to speak up. Speak clearly, pace yourself and when you have the opportunity, focus on your strengths. Don’t ramble, though. There is limited time in a group interview, and if you hoard the spotlight only to go off on a tangent, you’ll be remembered — but for the wrong reason.
  2. Don’t ignore the competition. Successfully integrating yourself into a new place of employment requires teamwork and communication skills. So take the opportunity to interact with other interviewees in your group interview. Nod your head, look at other interviewees when they speak, and even comment on another candidate if the opportunity presents itself. You’ll look more professional and engaged in the interview, and you’ll demonstrate that you’re able to be a productive member of a team.
  3. Listen to what’s going on. Don’t be so focused on talking that you forget a critical component – listening. Listen carefully to both the interviewer and your fellow interviewees. You don’t want to miss key information while you respond to a question, or an opportunity to build upon another interviewee’s answer. When you’re not speaking, make sure you’re still actively listening to others who are – the information shared could be essential to the success of your interview.

In addition to these tips, don’t forget other interview essentials, like appropriate dress and copies of your resume and references. Make good eye contact, give firm (and dry) handshakes, and show good posture. Follow these tips, and you’re sure to make a good impression!

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