Check Out Our New Video – SelecSource Goes Viral!

At SelecSource, we are dedicated to the success of our clients and candidates, and as technology continues to evolve, we seek new ways to interact with you. If you aren’t following us on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, be sure to connect with us!

SelecSource Goes Viral
For our latest foray into technology, and new means of connecting, we are excited to share with you our new video.
As a partner to our website, which includes a great amount of resources and information for our clients and candidates across Atlanta, this video offers a “sneak peek” into SelecSource. Featuring highlights from our leadership team, as well as some of our valued client partners, our new video gives you another snapshot into life at SelecSource.

Looking for more information?
We hope you enjoyed our new video – our team certainly enjoyed making it! If you’re looking for additional information about staffing services or career opportunities in Atlanta, contact us today! A member of the SelecSource team will contact you promptly.
